Monday, July 13, 2009

back from hiatus

Well, I've been to NYC and back again. School has started and I'm swamped with good work. It is fun getting some new skills and becoming more excited about technology. It seemed like such a drudge for a while, but now it's a lot of fun again, and I'm so glad!

Classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I have Mon/Wed/Fri to take care of other things. So, eventually, when I'm not giving into my natural laziness, I should be able to get a bit of work done around the house.

Saw UP this past weekend with my husband. I expected funny, but I didn't expect touching. I was tearing up more than once during a cartoon! Who'd a thunk it? It was wonderful, and I'm glad we went - even though I had a ton of homework to complete, and didn't really have the time. It's good to do non-work things together every once in a while to remember that we got married because we enjoy spending time together!

Nothing much else is new. Hopefully, my new found excitement in technology will result in some work coming my way soon, and life can go back to what I used to see as "normal".